This Spring 2025, I'm teaching a basic course on Algebraic Geometry at CIMAT/DEMAT. This is the SYLLABUS. I'll be posting the Solutions Keys for Quices here: QUIZ 1, QUIZ 2, QUIZ 3, QUIZ 4, QUIZ 5, QUIZ 6, QUIZ 7, QUIZ 8, QUIZ 9.
In the Spring 2024, I taught a course on F-singularities to Ph.D. and master's students at the CIMAT. I posted the recorded lectures on this youtube channel. Additionally, I wrote these Lecture Notes.
Last December 2023, I taught a mini-course on F-singularities to advanced undegrads and masters students. Click here for more info. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about it! Apuntes del Curso (Versión 1, I hope to get a final clean version soon.)
A los estudiantes: Si usted tiene interés en trabajar su tesis de maestría o doctorado bajo mi surpevisión, por favor hágamelo saber lo antes posible. Por favor no se espere hasta el último momento. El tiempo es oro en esto y hay que empezar cuanto antes con el trabajo de tesis.
Master theses directed:
- Emre Özavci (now a PhD student at the EPFL), Positivity of the Froebnius trace kernel on toric varieties, Spring 2024, EPFL. (Preprint in preparation)
- Maxime Matthey, F-splitting numbers of Segre pure pairs, Spring 2022, EPFL.
- Anne Fayolle (now a PhD student at UUtah), Centers of F-purity and their behavior under finite covers, Spring 2022, EPFL. (Preprint)
- Arnaud Vilpert (now a PhD student at Warwick), Singularities of determinantal pairs, Fall 2021, EPFL. (Preprint)
Research with undergrads:
- Emre Özavci, On the positivity of the Frobenius-trace kernel on toric and Hibi varieties, Summer 2022, EPFL. This was in the frame of the EPFL's Summer in the Lab Program